A Simple Snack

unexpected cheddar & crackers

crumbly, buttery, flaky

ooh yeah, babyyy

adult lunchables, ft. my obsession with trader joe’s



  • social snackers
    a nice basic cracker for your everyday cheese needs

  • brioche toasts
    buttery, light, crunchy. also they remind me of the tiny toasts we’re forbidden to feed to birds, as indicated by this cta sign

  • fig & olive crisps
    for when you are feeling frisky, or you have a particularly mild creamy cheese snack, like brie

Artist I Admire: Julie Blackmon


cup of jo did a lovely feature of photographer julie blackmon 🎉🎉. i’ve always admired her daughter’s work so it is not surprising that talent runs aplenty in the family.

some interesting bits—she didn’t start taking photos until her late thirties, and she couldn’t imagine working anywhere other than her “middle of nowhere, generic American town” in the midwest.

funny. here i am, age 22, fretting left and right about not landing where i want in life (apparently the feeling isn’t exclusive 😮). here’s a gentle reminder that my self and my potential are not defined by the institutions / cities / industries i’ve currently aligned with.

Cover Photo by Julie Blackmon.

Scenes from Home

got these little jars and pitchers for around $1 from goodwill. played around a bit with them as props, then played around some more with the lightroom app on my phone!

unedited (left), edited (right)